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Re: [ARSCLIST] TY vs Mitsui

Ganesh.Irelan@xxxxxxxx wrote:
Here's a question for those who use cd-r for preservation.

I have used Taiyo Yuden and Mitsui for the last 8 years. In that time TY has always come out of my burners with much better quality as demonstrated by a Clover Systems analyzer. My question is, if TY has a consistently better error rate than Mitsui, is there any reason for me to use Mitsui at all? I know the arguments for and against phthalocyanine. What do you all say?

With those results, I see no advantage to Mitsui (or, presumably, MAM-A) and therefore no reason to use them. One exception would be storage for generations or in a corrosive environment where, perhaps, gold metallizing would be preferable to that in the T-Y.

Or not. Data on relative life expectancy are all but impossible to find. Theoretically, gold may be superior, but if it doesn't matter in use, theory is of only theoretical interest.


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