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Re: [ARSCLIST] Medical grade CD-Rs and gold DVD-Rs

on 4/25/06 1:31 PM US/Central, Richard L. Hess at arclists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> You all know that MAM-A is the company that is now selling Mitsui
> discs. I don't know all of the corporate maneuvering that went on
> behind the scenes, but it is still the Mitsui technology, and I think
> the Colorado plant is the same one where Mitsui made their discs.


Life expectancy is purported to be over 300 years with Taiyo Yuden PMPT (and
1,300 years at 25 deg C and 50% RH):


Parker Dinkins
MasterDigital Corporation
CD Mastering + Audio Restoration

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