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[ARSCLIST] ARSC Conference: Early-Registration Deadline

The following message has been posted by the Outreach Committee of the
Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC). If you have any
questions, please click on one of the links or the e-mail address below.
Please do not hit REPLY or post further messages to this list.


The 40th annual ARSC Conference will be held at the Red Lion Hotel on Fifth
Avenue in Seattle, Washington, May 17-20.

April 24 is the deadline for discounted rates:

1. Full Conference Registration -- $120 for ARSC members, $150 for
non-members, and $60 for students.

2. Single-Day Registration (for those wishing to attend only one day) -- $35
for ARSC members, $45 for non-members, and $25 for students.

3. Pre-Conference Workshop Registration -- $70 for ARSC members, $80 for
non-members, and $30 for students.

To qualify for the discounted prices, your registration must be postmarked
by April 24. After that date, registration fees increase.

April 24 is also the last day to reserve a room at the Red Lion Hotel at the
special conference rate of $139 per night, single or double; $149 triple;
and $159 quad. To reserve a room, visit http://www.redlion5thavenue.com/. On
the Reservations page, click on "Change rate types" in the "Rate types"
section, and enter 0000784000 in the "Group block" box. Call the hotel at
206-971-8000, if you have questions about or problems with your reservation.

For more information about the conference, check out our recently updated
website at:

Session abstracts have been posted at the website. For details about each
talk or presentation, click on the "Session Abstracts [pdf]" link on the
conference home page.

Questions about the conference should be directed to the Conference Manager,
Kurt Nauck, at nauck@xxxxxxxxxx

Anna-Maria Manuel
ARSC Outreach Committee Chair

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