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Re: [ARSCLIST] How many of us in unions? Poor sounding concert halls.

On Apr 17, 2006, at 12:15 PM, Robert Hodge wrote:

So my overall opinions about unions are very, very low.

Just to say you are not alone. I've been keeping quiet until now. I will not whine except to say the worst sounding hall in San Francisco is a union house, and they made the exact same errors in one show two years in a row (spoken word poetry in audible, cello boomy and indistinct, lavalier on dancer feeding back repeatedly, drummer fine beacuse he was ten feet back from the mic)! And when I have gone in as an independent to record music, the union guy plugs in a mic, turns it on, and reads the poaper and talks sports the rest of the time - including when the speakers are having trouble being heard...

On the other hand, I failed the union (IATSE, radio, 1975) entrance exam because I didn't know tube electronics theory and math. But gee I can mix sound and maintain my own system!

I support the idea of unions but have no good experiences with them.


Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

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