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Re: [ARSCLIST] RCA symphonic work competition - 1929

There were actually only 4 composers because Robert Russell Bennett was awarded 2/5 of the prize. Here's from the liner notes to a Naxos recording of Bennett's _Abraham Lincoln_ (quoted at http://www.naxos.com/mainsite/blurbs_reviews.asp?item_code=8.559004&catNum=559004&filetype=About%20this%20Recording&language=English):

In Paris and Berlin in 1927-28, on a Guggenheim Scholarship, he noticed an RCA Victor competition with a prize of 25,000 dollars for an outstanding orchestral composition, with a small prize for a lighter piece of music. He submitted the two works on this disc - the patriotic Abraham Lincoln and the abstract orchestral painting of Sights and Sounds. Both pieces were scored for an enormous band of musicians and are of large proportions.

RCA Victor's jury consisted of Leopold Stokowski, Serge Koussevitzky, Frederick Stock, Rudolph Ganz and Olga Samaroff. They decided no work was better than any other to win outright and awarded five prizes to Aaron Copland's Dance Symphony, Louis Gruenberg's Symphony, Ernst Bloch's Helvetia and two 5,000 dollar awards to Bennett's pieces.

Despite their huge orchestral forces, Bennett's prizewinners were then published. Abraham Lincoln was first performed by Stokowski and the Philadelphia Orchestra in October 1931, with a second performance given a fortnight later at the dedication of the Juilliard School's new auditorium. For this, Bennett wrote his own programme notes, drawn from below.


At 11:19 AM 4/17/2006, Paul Charosh wrote:

In 1929, RCA Victor offered a prize of $25,000 for a new symphonic  work.
prize was divided among five composers.  Copland was  one; he received $5,000
for his submission.

How to find out  who were the other four recipients?  Also, who at RCA/Victor
was in  charge of the competition?  Can one find out who were the judges?
one find out who submitted works?

Paul Charosh

Alec McLane
Scores & Recordings/
World Music Archives Phone: (860) 685-3899
Olin Library Fax: (860) 685-2661
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