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Re: [ARSCLIST] The waltz (was Which U.S. orchestra recorded first and Arthur Fie

teven c wrote:

 ----- Original Message -----
 From: "Marcos Sueiro" <mls2137@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
 > Well, it looks like people are adding reverb to their halls in live
 > performance now. So what will be the "real" acoustics of a hall?:
 > <http://svconline.com/mag/avinstall_subtle_magic/>
 > May this be a trend? I find it disturbing, but can't really say why.
 Well, I always wanted to take my band into a Toronto subway station
 during the time when the subway is out of service (0230-0500), since
 the stations have a very nice reverb!

 Failing that, I always wondered what the results might be if I put us
 at a certain location under an overpass I knew...it had a very odd
 echo in one place where sounds actually repeated themselves in short
 pulses three or four times per second...

 Finally, there were a number of different studios and record firms
 that used their (tiled) rest rooms as "echo chambers," with speakers
 to feed the sound in and mikes to pick it up including echo! I don't
 know what happened if someone used the facility mid-session, which
 would have added interesting adjuncts to the recording...?!

Steven C. Barr

You could always rename your band "Fit To Be Tiled", but that name was already used by Duck's Breath Mystery Theater.


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