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Re: [ARSCLIST] styrofoam chips et al, was Re: [ARSCLIST] Zits cartoon strip

Don Tait wrote:

I agree with David Lennick about syrofoam chips for shipping 78s. They are
a pain to the recipient, not only because as he said they fly all over the
place and adhere to almost everything because of static charge, but because
shards of them wind up inside sleeves and on the records. If one wants to save the
sleeves, both must then be rid of them in addition to any necessary cleaning
of the records. I also agree that they don't always protect against breakage.
Crumpled newspaper has always worked for me and my recipients.

Don Tait

They're usable IF the sender will take the trouble to wrap the records in plastic..even a plastic
bag folded over and sealed will work. Unfortunately, this rarely happens..and it's not only the
amateur eBay sellers who use these chips (not naming names, you guys know who you are). These things have got to be bad for the environment. Maybe someday some government agency somewhere will find they cause hemhorroids or dyspepsia and get them banned.


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