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Re: [ARSCLIST] Zits cartoon strip

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Hodge" <rjhodge@xxxxxxx>
> If I had to rely on computers and the internet to supply schematic
diagrams for vintage electronics , I'd be done before I got started.
> You can't beat a set of Ryders manuals or Howard W. Sams folders.
What I need is Volume VI of the Rider books...I once had it, but it
was lost (long story). I have Sams through about 300 or so. Bought
all the stuff from a closing-down radio shop about '73 or so...for
$250. I've also added a stack of RCA(Canada) manuals. Trouble is, I
no longer own that many old radios!

Steven C. Barr
(apparently, the Riders are available on  a CD of imaged pages...)

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