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Re: [ARSCLIST] columbia set M184

I'll find my copy over the weekend..hope this will be okay.


Susan Stinson wrote:

> We have the album, but there are no liner notes on the album nor do we have a booklet.
> Sue
> Susan T Stinson, Curator
> Belfer Audio Laboratory and Archive
> Syracuse University Library
> 222 Waverly Avenue
> Syracuse, NY 13244-2010
> 315-443-3477 / fax 443-4866
> >>> dlennick@xxxxxxxxxxxx 3/24/2006 3:31 PM >>>
> David Seubert wrote:
> > Does anybody have a copy of Columbia set M184, Stravinsky's Histoire du
> > soldat with the album? Our copy doesn't have an album. I have a
> > researcher who wants to know if there were any notes on/in the album. If
> > so, could somebody fax me a photocopy of these notes? My fax is
> > 805-893-5749.
> I'm pretty sure I have a copy, but whether it's here or at the lockup is yet to be determined. If there are notes I'll fax them.
> Just got in and read this message now, so if anyone has already come up with the notes, please let us know.
> dl

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