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Re: [ARSCLIST] Zits cartoon strip

Is anyone on this list in Westchester County NY? If so, do you know if the White Plains library still has their extensive record collection? Most of those records were in outstanding shape, at least when I was a teen, some 25-30 years ago. They used to have quite an eclectic collection, lots of interesting spoken-word stuff.

The last time I sat at a library listening station and played an LP was probably college. The only way I could learn the Shakespeare plays was by listening and reading along. It saved me so much time of trying to figure out how to read that olde English -- for some reason it all made sense when performed (by a British cast, of course). I think some people remember what they hear better than what they see. Someone, I forgot who, told me once that aural/oral people remember soundtracks to their dreams whereas visual-oriented people only remember images.

-- Tom Fine

----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert Hodge" <rjhodge@xxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 8:54 AM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Zits cartoon strip

I used the local libraries to learn about recordings that were available, or at least available at one time, and used that information to seek out my own copy. As simple as that sounds, I never considered dubbing anything.

Syracuse Public Library had a fine collection of shellac dating to the teens.

We have it here at Belfer now ,when the record collection was donated. The best shellac ( IMHO ) is in fine shape. No one could tell me what machines they used at that time to play the records in house.

The sound of 2 or 3 victrolas all trying to compete with each other doesn't paint a pretty picture and ther were no listening rooms.

Were there disc machines with ear tubes ? I've never seen one.

Bob Hodge

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