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Re: [ARSCLIST] White haze on older LPs -- cure??

Tom Fine wrote:
Hi Phillip:

Respectfully, I doubt it's a factory problem because I have other copies of the same record (in not as good condition) that don't have the whitish-hissy vinyl problem. It seems to be a storage problem and based on the few records here that have it, it seems to be related to those awful clear plastic inner envelopes that seemed to be popular in the mid and late 50s.

It was a common problem with mid-50s European LPs. I am told on good authority that it is the sleeve's platicizer settling onto the disc and plasticizing the grooves. I've several sets of EMI monaural LPs which display the problem; I've saved them because the packaging is superior to that of reissues without the plasticizer problem.

Since the vinyl has been altered in the process, there appears to be no way to undo the alteration and recover the original recording.


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