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[ARSCLIST] 1/4" Hold-down tape

Can anyone reccomend a brand of hold-down tape which is suitable for
archival purposes?

We use it in our film and audio areas to fasten and re-fasten audio tape and
film ends.

3M used to make Zebra Tape which was brilliant.  It was a black and white
striped tape (hence the name) and 1/4" in width.  This tape stuck and peeled
off easily and never left any residue. Unfortunately they stopped
manufacturing this tape some time ago.

We have used a product made by Quantegy (stock code: AC1H8125G). It wasn't
as great as the zebra tape (could not be refastend as often) but still has
worked well.  

However for some reason they have replaced the plastic base with a
crepe-paper-type base.  I am not convinced that this replacement tape holds
the same archival properties that the other two products did.  I know
colleagues who encountered similar tape in the past and it was a nightmare
to peel off after a long period of time.  This replacement tape is more
sticky and I suspect that after some time, they will leave a residue and
possiby disintegrate.

So apart from the quantegy product, can anyone recommend any brands that can
be refastened and does not leave residue on the tape or film after long
periods of time?

I would appreciate any help people can offer.

Kind regards
Geeta Jatania
Preservation Officer - Audio
Preservation Services
National Archives of Australia
Locked Bag 4
02 9645 0145

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