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Re: [ARSCLIST] 1/4" audio tape digitizing

At 11:33 -0500 13/2/06, David Lennick wrote:
One of these years I'm going to have to deal with thousands of tapes my dad
recorded off radio and TV between 1959 and 1996..much of it dross, but a lot of it containing audio from programs that probably aren't archived anywhere
(variety, talk, interviews, panel shows) and I can assure you that he recorded
at the slowest speed possible on whatever machine he was using. Much of it was
on a Philips at 15/16 ips. Aaaaargh.


I know of field linguists who recorded at 15/16 (yuck!) because they were limited in the amount of space they had for tapes and wanted to be sure that they were able to record as much as possible.

Barbara Need
Manager (SS4), Computer Support, Archivist
Language Labs and Archives, University of Chicago

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