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Re: [ARSCLIST] Risk assessment tool Q2

On 05/01/06, Tom Fine wrote:

> Another big problem in my own cassette collection is what I call Dolby
> C deterioration. Apparently, Dolby C is very sensitive to level in
> order to decode correctly. Level seems to fade over time on many tapes
> I made in the early 90's -- generally on Maxell and TDK chrome C-100
> tapes. Dolby C is not happy with this and the sound results are not
> good. Whenever possible, I have re-borrowed that material and made CD
> copies. Dolby B doesn't seem as unhappy by level fades over time. 

There is a need for a software decoder for Dolby B and C, with
adjustments for dealing with such problems.

But even in the 1980s, I used to find that a Dolby cassette played back
on a different machine did not always sound right - it seems the
circuits were often badly adjusted in manufacture or had drifted.

C is of course more fussy than B.

Don Cox

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