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Re: [ARSCLIST] Attachments (was Re: [ARSCLIST] Everybody wants a tax cut)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Richter" <mrichter@xxxxxxx>
> Dick Spottswood wrote:
> > ----- Forwarded by Dick Spottswood/dick/AmericanU on 12/01/2005 08:51 AM
> For the sake of safe Internet operations, please be very cautious when
> posting attachments. The wise course is to set parameters of the list so
> they are not accepted at all; instead, post a link rather than the
> image, clip or other target. But if the attachment is necessary, then
> please
> 1. Ensure that it has an appropriate extension
> 2. Provide a clear description of its content in the text
> The post prompting this reply had no extension at all. Of course, the
> nasties that circulate usually do have extensions but the ones employed
> are in themselves red flags for the knowledgable recipient.
> By the way, the attachment is a violation of copyright. I mention it
> only because at times this list is painfully precise in protection of
> rights for audio.
In fact, Outlook Express opened it...but as a very small and
thus illegible image of a document! I finally copied the text
onto my Clipboard and pasted it into Notepad in order to see
what it said...only to discover that it was about US taxes
for folks who can actually make money off of their songs!
Oh, well...

Steven C. Barr

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