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Re: [ARSCLIST] More on cataloging

Off topic - my partner does transcription from all kinds of media from microcassettes to DVDs, and when I make her CDs from client DATS, no matter what the length Gracenote comes up with one or more odd titles. They don't always get it right that way! For commercial CDs it is quite accurate, but for "home made" ones they come up with the darndest things!


Farther off topic - does anyone here have need or interest in an Ampex ATR-102? A client has one for sale, needs some electronic work but in great shape generally. Get in touch if so.

Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Aug 23, 2005, at 7:11 PM, John Ross wrote:

If you are referring to the way computers display the contents of a
commercial audio CD, this is not based on data files on the CD. It's
based on the sequence of timing of tracks on the CD. The CD-player
program sends the number of tracks on the CD and the duration of each
track to the database through the Internet, and the database service
returns the title of the CD and of each track.

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