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Re: [ARSCLIST] More on cataloging (II)

It seems to me that what is needed...and ARSC could very well superintend
this...is a standardization of catalogue as well as discographic database
tables (the former as a subset of the latter). Having created this, a
program to create these data files could be distributed, possibly as
freeware...this would mean that a fair number of users would be able
to exchange or collect compatible data!

There would have to be a system which would allow individual users to
include additional fields, as long as a core set of standardized fields
was employed. The preferable format, it seems to me, would be xBASE,
since it is readable by virtually all database applications, and, as
well, the files themselves are in a format which is readily printable.
As well, standard SQL could be used to access the included data.

Steven C. Barr

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