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Re: [ARSCLIST] long range file storage

In a message dated 8/12/2005 8:43:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,
stevenc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

Given that we can use 56K (bits, not bytes) modems...could this be
recorded on a shellac disc, given the inherent signal-to-noise ratio?
It could probably be done on vinyl...but are there any lifespan
considerations for vinyl discs?

In the 1920s Video signals were recorded on shellac discs using a modulated
tone similar to the way the cassette tape data recorders for early PCs worked.
I don't see why a modem signal that can pass through a voice telephone line
couldn't be recorded on any audio medium, though it might have to have better
speed regulation than most analog machines do.

Mike Csontos

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