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Re: [ARSCLIST] Somewhat off-topic: Corporate responsibility concerning produc...

Mesothelioma is a terrible way to die.  As the aggressive tumor cells expand in your lungs, it gets harder and harder to take a breath, so you suffocate slowly over months and months.  Any attempt at surgery spreads the cells so you have more tumors and they grow even faster.  It shows up 20 to 30 years after the asbestos exposure.  I watched it kill my father, who was exposed to it in navy ships because pipe fitters worked in the same areas as machinists.  Because of the delayed onset, there are lots of people walking around who will die from it soon. Its very fortunate for them if they die of something else first.

Take absolutely no chances, get all of it safely out of your environment or stay away from that environment.  There is no known 'safe' exposure level.

Sorry for the off-topic, but you don't want to play the odds with asbestos.

  Ron Fial

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