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Re: [ARSCLIST] Cataloging sound recordings

all of the data elements steven cites below can be,
and often is included under current library cataloging
standards (Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd ed.,
revised), and all of it can be included in coded form
in MARC records (MARC21 format).

if there is a problem, it is not the rules or format.
steven mentions 16 possible elements. of those 16,
9 were in the record i cited and 3 were not applicable
to the LP, but would have been normally included if applicable.
the remaining 4 can easily be accomodated by the rules and

please don't refer to cataloging rules and "MARC format"
as the problem. what is the problem?  at least in the library
world, administrators routinely try to minimize the
amount of information provided by catalogers as some
kind of "cost saving." even at that, the result hasn't
been so terrible.

i'm guessing the situation is going to get much worse
than it is now (because of googlemania).

so, as soon as someone comes up with a cheap(er) way to
discover and record all of this data, in a standardized
shareable format, you can probably bet that we'll all
being doing it (we'll all be forced to do it, unless
googlemania eliminates library cataloging altogether in the
next few years, which is a real possibility).

--ralph p.

A. Ralph Papakhian, Indiana University Music Library
Bloomington, IN 47405 812/855-2970 papakhi@xxxxxxxxxxx
co-owner: MLA-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> > beethoven compositions included.
> >
> > i see that the matrix number is missing. but exactly what other
> > discographic data should be included?
> It is harder to say for an LP...however, standard discographic data could
> include:
> Label
> Country
> Catalog number
> Matrix number
> Other numbers (control#, side#, etc.)
> If from an album or set, disc/side number for side being catalogued
> Take (including take shown if different)
> Date recorded (indicate if estimated)
> Location, including studio if known and applicable
> Artist Credit on label
> Actual artist if known
> As above for title and composer
> Whether record is original issue; a reissue (same catalog number, but
> visibly a later label); a repressing (different catalog number, often
> paired with a different side); or a remake (same song, later recording
> which may be by a different artist).
> Page references to standard published discographies in which the side
> is listed
> Method of recording (acoustic, electrc, mono, stereo, quadrophonic,
> multi-channel)
> For recordings which have been digitally reprocessed, which reproccessing
> was used if more than one exist
> Comments field to clarify or make other comments as needed
> Any, some or all of these might be included...
> Steven C. Barr
> ------------------------------

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