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[ARSCLIST] Meed Recording

Does anybody have the recording that Thomas Stockham used to
demonstrate in the 1970s his ability to remove the orchestra from
Caruso's Vesti La Guibba?  This recording had the record with the
orchestra eliminated on one channel in sync with the original
recording including the orchestra on the other channel. You can
switch between channels and hear it with or without the orchestra.
(It is similar technology that was used in the Caruso 2000 CD from
Austria, but they do not include a sample sans orchestra on their
CD.)  Stockham played it at the 1975 ARSC conference and I
subsequently obtained a copy from a friend, but have not been able
to locate it this week --  and I need it quickly!


Mike Biel  mbiel@xxxxxxx   m.biel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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