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Re: [ARSCLIST] other places to see in Austin

And if you happen to have a little free time Thursday afternoon, on your way to
the LBJ Library, you might want to check out the Edible Book Festival at UT's
Collections Deposit Library, 1810 Red River (corner of MLK).  The Edible Book
Fest is an international event in which creative types make book-style works of
art out of food.  The Austin event is organized by students from the Kilgarlin
Center for the Preservation of the Cultural Record, of which I am one.  My
entry is a book-on-tape made out of fettuccine, but it's too soon to tell if
it's going to work.


Rick Taylor

Rick Taylor
Graduate Research Assistant
DLSD - Audio Digitization Lab
University of Texas Libraries
The University of Texas at Austin

Quoting Jerry Young <youngs0@xxxxxxxxxx>:

> Some other places that might interest ARSC visitors,
> looking for something off the beaten path:
> Not sure if anyone mentioned Jim Cartwright's
> "Immortal Performances," and I am sure many of you
> know Jim. He has an astonishing selection of records
> and phonographs and a shop with pre-EBAY prices.  If
> he's not too busy, he'll show you his collection of
> phonographs -- a working mid-20s Brunswick Panatrope,
> a ca 1920 Actuelle, and a Victor long-playing
> phonograph (seems like he has Stokowski's Gurrelieder
> on a '30s LPs, but I may not remember correctly). Lots
> more.
> If he's really not busy, he may cut the end off an an
> old extension cord and show you his amazing collection
> of antique light bulbs. Breathtaking, but not for the
> squeamish.
> No matter where you've been and what you've seen, you
> will never forget Immortal Performances, I'm certain.
> 1404 W 30th. 478-9954
> Food:
> La Fonda San Miguel specializes in interior Mexican
> food. It's tucked away in N Austin, 2330 W. North
> Loop.  It's pricey and the owners aren't especially
> neighborly to the middle class folks who live on their
> street, but still, when we want to folks from out of
> town to have meal they can't have elsewhere, we take
> them to Fonda San Miguel.
> For a less corporate feel, here are other recommended
> places in North Austin, all neither trendy nor
> franchised:
> Elsi's is an El Salvadoran/Tex-Mex restaurant at 4708
> Burnet Rd.  Not nearly so whoop-de-doo as Fonda SM,
> but they also have things you can't find
> elsewhere?yuca frita, Salvadoran tamales, migas with
> vegetarian chorizo, pupusas, and a great molé. Not
> quite as funky as the location they had to move from,
> but still good food and great folks.
> Across the street from it is a smaller scale place
> called Aranda's that caters to working-class Hispanics
> -- menudo, horchata, pozole, and torte Cubana. Very
> cheap and big servings. I always leave a big tip
> because i don't think they charge enough.
> A campus standard is Martin's Kum-Bak aka Dirty's -- a
> great greasy hamburger joint with killer (literally)
> milkshakes. In about the 2700 block of Guadalupe
> (regrettably pronounced Guadaloop). Knowing how to
> play backgammon will allow you to nestle up with the
> locals.
> And not far north of that, ca. 2900 block, is a
> Korean-run burger joint called Burger Tex that makes a
> not-yet-but-should-be famous bulgoki burger. Right
> across the street from the second Antone's, where I
> used to play piano several times a week (okay, back
> when it was a Shakey's Pizza Parlor). Antone's record
> shop is in the same block.
> And if you want unselfconscious '50s-style Tex-Mexican
> food, at the north end of the 2900 block is El Patio,
> where they serve crackers instead of tostadas. This
> was former chairman of the UT Board of Regents Frank
> Erwin's favorite restaurant. That should tell you what
> you need to know about the cuisine. I'd swear they use
> cream of mushroom soup in their enchiladas.
> One block west (30th and Fruth) is Trudy's Texas Star
> Cafe, which I mention it because lots of people like
> it, and it's in this neighborhood. Good food, really,
> and a favorite of college students, so it's not too
> expensive. Knowing sign language is a plus if you hope
> to carry on a conversation.
> In East Austin, 1511 E. 6th, is the famous Cisco's
> Bakery. A great breakfast place where you will see
> photos of famous folks who have been eating there
> since the '50s (not continuously).
> And if you have a car, or a friend with one, there's
> the Salt Lick out south of town. Great barbeque in a
> lovely hill-country setting. Vine-covered screened-in
> patio where you can watch the hummingbirds nectaring.
> After your eyes adjust to the light, look for the
> soot-covered piñata that may still be up in the
> rafters. Important: they don't sell beer, but you can
> bring your own.
> See you soon.
> Jerry

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