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[ARSCLIST] CFP ECDL 2005, Vienna, Austria, September 18-23 2005

------ Apologies for cross-posting ------

Dear Colleagues,

Please find below the second Call for Papers, Posters, Workshops, Tutorials, Panels, and the Doctoral Consortium for ECDL 2005, the European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, to be held in Vienna, Austria, September 18-23.
Please note specifically the first upcoming deadline for Workshop proposals (February 18), in order to allow Workshop Organizers enough time to launch their own Call for Papers upon acceptance.

Best regards,

Andreas Rauber, Stavros Christodoulakis
ECDL 2005 PC Co-Chairs



                 9th European Conference on
  Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries

                      September 18-23, 2005
                          Vienna, Austria


ECDL 2005 is the 9th conference in the series of European Digital Library conferences. ECDL has become the major European conference on digital libraries, and associated technical, practical, and social issues, bringing together researchers, developers, content providers and users in the field. ECDL 2005 is jointly organized by the Vienna University of Technology (VUT), the Austrian National Library (ÖNB), and the Austrian Computer Society (OCG).

ECDL 2005 invites original contributions focusing on research and development supporting information access and exploration both from a technology perspective as well as in different application-domains such as science, e-government, cultural heritage, etc.

Topics of contributions include (but are not limited to):

- Concepts of Digital Libraries and Digital Documents
- System Architectures, Integration and Interoperability
- Information Organization, Search and Usage
- User Studies and System Evaluation
- Digital Preservation
- Digital Library Applications

***************        Full paper submission          ***************

Papers (maximum 12 pages for full papers, max 8 pages for short papers in Springer LNCS format) should report on original, completed research, applications and development that have not previously been presented elsewhere and that make new contributions to the conference topics.

The full text of papers in English (no extended abstracts) is required at the initial submission stage for review, and must follow the format guidelines given below. In the spirit of digital libraries all papers must be submitted electronically via the conference web page.

The proceedings will be published by Springer in the series of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), in hard copy and electronic form. The authors must follow the guidelines for the LNCS format provided by Springer (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html) already for the initial full text submission. (We recommend the use of LaTeX2e for best results and easiest handling of your documents (now and in the future), but Springer also provides a template for Microsoft Windows.) It is the responsibility of authors to ensure that their submission use no unusual format features and are printable on a standard Postscript printer.

For the initial full text submission for review, authors are requested to submit the paper as a single pdf-file. (If this constitutes a hardship, or if you have problems submitting the paper via the web-based conference management review system, please contact the program chairs by email pc_chairs@xxxxxxxxxxxx to arrange an alternative means of submission.) All papers will be reviewed by at least 3 members of the Program Committee.

Papers are to be submitted via the ECDL2005 Conference Management system by the submission deadline.

Final camera-ready submission:

If accepted, camera-ready versions of papers incorporating changes recommended by the Reviewers, are to be submitted both in PDF as well as in source format (LaTeX, Microsoft Word or RTF). Detailed information will be provided with the acceptance notification, and all final versions will have to be submitted by the submission deadline for final versions. Accepted papers MUST be presented by an/the author at the conference.

********************************************************************* *************** Important dates *************** *********************************************************************

* Workshop Proposal Deadline: February 18, 2005 Proposals should be sent to workshops@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

   * Paper Submission Deadline: March 1, 2005
     Submissions should be submitted to the ECDL2005 submission system.

   * Tutorial Proposal Submission Deadline: March 1, 2005
     Proposals should be sent to tutorials@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

   * Panel Proposal Deadline: March 1, 2005
     Proposals should be sent to panels@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

   * Doctoral Consortium Submission deadline: April 4, 2005
     Proposals should be sent to doctoral_consortium@xxxxxxxxxxxx

   * Poster and Demo Submission Deadline: May 1, 2005
     Posters and Demos should be submitted to the ECDL2005 submission system.

* Paper Acceptance Notifications: May 15, 2005

* Final Version of Papers: June 3, 2005

* Conference: September 18-23, 2005

********************************************************************* *************** Organization Commitee *************** *********************************************************************

General chair: A Min Tjoa, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Program Chairs:
Andreas Rauber, Vienna University of Technology , Austria
Stavros Christodoulakis, Technical University of Crete , Greece

Poster & Demo Chairs:
Giuseppe Amato, Istituto di scienza e technologie dell'informazione "A.Faedo" , Italy
Pavel Zezula, Masaryk University Brno , Czech

Workshop Chairs:
Fabio Crestani, University of Strathclyde , United Kingdom
Dieter Merkl, University of Western Sydney , Australia

Panel Chairs:
László Kovács, Hungarian Academy of Sciences , Hungary
Ed Fox, Virginia Tech University , United States of America

Tutorial Chairs:
Nozha Boujemaa, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA) , France
Shin'ichi Satoh, National Institute of Informatics , Japan

Best Paper Award Chair:
Erich Neuhold, Fraunhofer - IPSI, Germany

Doctoral Consortium Chair:
Jose Borbinha, Biblioteca Nacional, Portugal

Publicity Chairs:
Julien Masanes, Bibliothèque nationale de France , France
Michael Bauer, Technische Universität München , Germany

Local Organizing Chairs:
Eugen Muehlvenzl, Austrian Computer Society , Austria
Max Kaiser, Austrian National Library , Austria
Alexander Schatten, Vienna University of Technology , Austria
Carl Rauch, Vienna University of Technology , Austria

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