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Re: [ARSCLIST] Format conundrum

----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard L. Hess" <ArcLists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> 80 Column IBM Cards...oh, I love it!
> 40 samples per card, 1103 cards per second per channel.
> That's about 9x4x18 inches for 2206 cards (let's say, I haven't played
> with these since my summer job of 1968...and I dropped a box on my
> foot and it hurt).
> So 650 cu in / sec and perhaps 20 pounds.
> 40 minutes = 1.56 million cu in, 903 cu ft, 33.5 cu yd. That's the size of
> a large garbage truck -- they hold typically 30 cu yd...
> Or 48,000 pounds (probably over-limit for the garbage truck) or 24 tons.
> Here's what a 20 cu yd garbage truck looks like
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4517690305
> Oh, and the punch cards are already compacted...they don't compact any
> Now, considering we might have a load limit of 100 pounds per square foot
> of floor storage, we would need 480 square feet to store one CD's worth of
> music on punch cards.
I get the impression we need to recreate a shellac-stamping facility!
Steven C. Barr

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