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Re: [ARSCLIST] squealing cassette tapes

At 05:18 PM 1/10/2005 -0500, Jeff Carroll wrote:
My apologies for jumping in on this thread late when I haven't been
following, perhaps this has been suggested, but have you tried putting the
hubs of tape in a new shell?  In my experience a new shell has been the most
reliable remedy for squealing cassettes.

Hi, Jeff,

Thanks for the pointers. Yes. That is usually step one for any suspect
cassette. In fact, I have a big supply of fairly nice screw-shell C-0s for
just that purpose.

I cut the leader of the C-0 in the middle, splice on the tape from the
subject cassette, and wind it using the modified Tandberg TP-101 (or
whatever that thing is). I just hold the original cassette outboard and the
tape winds through into the new C-0 and then I splice the other end. Much
faster than the disassembly route and getting the slip sheets back exactly
right, etc.

What we're discussing here is specifically cassettes (this time), but it
also applies to reels that are suffering from what, for want of a better
term, we're calling Loss of Lubricant (LoL) -- and it's not a
laughing-out-loud matter!

From all we can tell, the heads and/or guides are demonstrating stiction
between the tape and their surface. There is generally no deposit as in
Sticky Shed Syndrome (SSS) and neither baking nor chilling help.

In fact, I've never improved a cassette by baking.



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