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[ARSCLIST] Searching for Golden Age of Radio Collections

Book Hunter Press is searching for audio collections of Old Time Radio
(1920's to early 1960's) for inclusion in a "Resource Guide to the Golden
Age of Radio" scheduled for publication in Summer, 2005.

Designed primarily for researchers, the Resource Guide will include both
audio and print collections in libraries, museums and other locations,
bibliographic sources and select Internet sites. The Guide will not include
private collections.

A key part of the publication will be a single Subject Index incorporating
data from all three sections.

If your institution has an Old Time Radio collection, we would appreciate
your completing the short Collection Submission Form on our web page,

We're also very interested in leads on the whereabouts of other radio
related collections, audio or print.


Susan Siegel
Book Hunter Press
PO Box 193
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598
(914) 245-6608  Fax: (914) 245-2630

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