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[ARSCLIST] John Lomax Library of Congress recordings

Greetings again.

Here is the second of two inquiries.

>From some thrift store in the distant past, I acquired two discs from
"the Library of Congress Recording Library." These were 10-inch discs
with paper labels. The information on the label notes included (for

Library of Congress Recording Laboratory
Division of Music
"Shack Bully Waking-Up Song"
Sung by Richard Amersch at Livingston, Alabama
Part A of 2
Order No 1322 A1
Recorded by John A. Lomax 1937

Could someone recommend a resource for learning more about Mr. Lomax's

Also, can anyone tell me what material may have been used to make the
discs? This is the sad part of the post. Stacked tightly between other
records in a temperature stable environment, the discs nonetheless
deteriorated to the extent that they crumbled upon touch. Hopefully,
these recordings were duplicated sometime before they found their way to
the open market.

Steven Austin

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