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Re: [ARSCLIST] Copyright Alert

 Incidentally, have you ever seen these pirates? Those recorded from
> thetheater convey little beyond the story line and if you believe
> that the
> plot of Spiderman 2 or The Incredibles is the reason they have proved
> popular, I'm afraid your taste qualifies you only for the
> producer's chair.
> I can think of no reason anyone would want to download a contemporary
> theatrical release except to prepare to see it in the theater or to be
> reminded after the viewing of how effective some bit was there.
This is what I was wondering. I can't IMAGINE any movie recorded with a
CAMCORDER is any good to watch! And so I can't imagine that this is even
a real issue! 90% of film watchers would much rather wait to see a
quality DVD, or hell, GO TO THE CINEMA THEMSELVES! We waste so much time
and mental energy worrying about insignificant things like this and how
we will punish the handful of silly people who do it (aren't our jails
crowded already??)... there are much more important things to dwell on -
even in the world of copyright... As archivists and people who collect
film and sound recordings we should be putting pressure on politicians
to stop pandering to corporation's whims.


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