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Re: [ARSCLIST] Looking for recording date

Steven C. Barr wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "digest Peter Hirsch" <phirsch@xxxxxxxx>

I am trying to determine the recording and issue dates of a Columbia 12"
78. The disc has a green label and the catalog number is 55037-F. The New
York Liederkranz performs Mendelssohn's Der Jaeger's Abschied (Wer hat


du schoener Wald) under the direction of C.R. Fuchs-Jerin on one side. I
have searched all the usual discographies and Columbia catalogs that I


on hand, but this one just seems to have fallen through some crack
somewhere. I assume that it is pre-1939, due to the unlikeliness of this
type record being too popular after the Anschluss.

Anyone know anything about this one? It is in RDI, but the information is
pretty much transcription-generated gibberish.

The Columbia -F series was used for foreign-language and "ethnic" records,
with a different set of numbers assigned to different ethnic groups. Sadly,
exact dates don't exist in most cases...the sides recorded in the US used
a different matrix series than did the popular records, and those ledgers
seem to have been discarded.

Columbia issued separate catalogs for each group, and only a handful of
the most generally good-selling items were included in the general
catalogs. To further confuse things, the numeric series were, for the
most part, continued through the CBS takeover of the label.

There is an outside possibility the disc might be documented in
Spottswood's Ethnic Discography. Beyond that you can only estimate...
if the record bears a CBS-type label (the one used on "red Columbias")
it was pressed sometime after the 1939 takeover, while if it has any
of the earlier label styles those would at least identify the pressing
(but not recording) dates. Likewise, if it bears a 6-digit matrix
number (10xxxx or 11xxxx) it was recorded prior to mid-1934.

Steven C. Barr

The label is a lovely shade of dull green; most of the other Columbia's
I have are blue and frequently have a tri-color sash draped across it.


- Peter

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