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On Fri, 24 Sep 2004, Mike Richter wrote:

> The discussion is of great interest, but the 'bottom line' is availability
> and provability of such media. For example, if there were standards by
> which the term "archival" was defined and enforced, then one or more lines
> of blanks labelled "archival" could be used.

Do we need something like the Pickett study?

> Note that while one cannot test quality into a product, some form of test
> program to maintain a standard of "archival" will be needed.

Would this be a good project for ARSC?

> Whether specific ranges of temperature and humidity, methods of packaging
> recorded discs conveniently and safely, and recipes for manipulating and
> testing recordings preserve the recordings may not be verifiable, but at
> least best practice should be defined in the hope that it's better than
> throwing bare discs into drawers and wiping leftover pizza from them before
> playing.

I am reminded of spilling a drop of iced tea on a Mitsui gold...a blister
formed on the reflective surface...


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