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[ARSCLIST] (C&C) Engineering required (was Re: [ARSCLIST] Gold CDs)

At 06:59 PM 9/25/2004 +0000, Don Cox wrote:

Well, making a pickup cartridge for LPs from a zero start is also very
difficult. So is adjusting and repairing a mechanism for Welte-Mignon
rolls. Any sound recording needs engineering skills for replay.

Perhaps that last is a bit overbroad.

A Japanese firm, Gakken, offers a Science Kit for Adults to build one's own
Emile Berliner Disk Gramophone. (I have bought two but not yet assembled
either - time to 'screw my courage to the sticking place', I'm afraid.)
They have had an Edison cylinder reproducer for some time, but this struck
my fancy because it *may* let me use the clear plastic discs at the ends of
a spindle of CD-Rs.

Admittedly this design does require a pair of high-tech C cells, but
otherwise I trust that engineering skills will be minimal.

NOTE: In another group, the term 'C&C' is used for "Cat and Coffee" - a
warning to put down one's coffee and get the cat out of one's lap in case
you find the post as humorous as intended.

Mike -- mrichter@xxxxxxx http://www.mrichter.com/

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