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 the ease of access is more important
than the quality of the sound. Of course, you will always have the
connoisseurs including collectors, performers and historians, who like
study the original analog recordings and revel in their warmer tones.

the warmer tones of tape and tube saturation driving the signal as hot
as possible to overcome tape hiss, knowing that the tape needs a
special bias eq to overcome to non linear aspects of magnetism and that
the mastering process for "cutting" a disc calls for another special eq
curve and bass treatment to keep a needle on track.  .........

Within these parameters, with a loss of much of the "sonic details"
that the original sound has then further manipulated by cheap
electronics, low bid sound cards and free or shareware software,    car
audio, NPR driveway moment.

any audio system is only as good as it's weakest link.
digital sound is only as good as it's weakest link.
"low cost" analogue to digital convertors, "low cost" software and "low
cost" audio circuits will always produce "low cost" colored sound.


was it the "ease of access" that created recorded sound?    turn that
damn jukebox on,  the band is on break.


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