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Re: [ARSCLIST] Cataloging of AV materials

On Wed, 18 Aug 2004, Steven C. Barr wrote:

> 4) I have been suggesting to ARSC for several years that they are
> the logical body to establish some sort of standards for discographic
> databases, both cataloguing (i.e. users "a") and archival (users "b").
> We have the experience, both positive and negative, of RDI and AVRL
> to guide us...
> I'd be interested in any thoughts here...

While ARSC has made some great progress in membership, I believe that if
the membership were greater, or if the organization tried to join forces
with other organizations, like ALA (I dropped my membership year ago) or
the Association of Research Libraries, etc. that it could end up having
the resources to lobby for both some uniformity in the presentation of
finding aids, local databases, etc. and also present a unified front on
copyright issues.

What has interested me of late is that even informed librarians do not
necessarily understand the needs of those doing discographic research and
similarly, the value in the skills an archivist/technician can bring to a
collection. Perhaps more dialog is needed there as well.


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