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Re: [ARSCLIST] ? about Burning CDs for archives

Mike Richter:

> You can also see reports that green (or red) marker on the edge
> improves the sound, that silver (or gold) sounds better, and so on ad
> infinitum. There are WWW pages devoted to urban legends. Please check
> there before passing along the un measurable and inaudible claims.

It is audible in my experience, black vs silver CDR disk.

Even Plextor painted the disk tray black and could measure a lower
jitter as reported by you yourselves some time ago from private
communication on the advanced CDR list.

As the DACs used are not immune to upstream changes to the incoming
amount of jitter then any changes here may be audible to the end

Depending on the associated equipment the difference may go un noticed
to clearly audible in my experience.


Goran Finnberg
The Mastering Room AB

E-mail: mastering@xxxxxxxxx

Learn from the mistakes of others, you can never live long enough to
make them all yourself.    -   John Luther

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