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Re: [ARSCLIST] Archaeological 78 Fragments

Chances are good that the shattered record, after the technology is 
developed to retrieve enough of it to facilitate what it is, would turn
out to be Alma Gluck's recording of "Listen to the Mockingbird."

Dave Lewis

-----Original Message-----
From: Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List
[mailto:ARSCLIST@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Don Cox
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 4:07 AM
To: ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] Archaeological 78 Fragments

On 22/07/04, Mike Richter wrote:

> In my limited experience with smashed shellac, the best hope is to 
> find pieces held together with the paper label - ideally, with a 
> readable label, though, I'll not give odds on that. But chips are all 
> but inevitable under the circumstances and assembly for intelligible 
> results is improbable.

It would be worth keeping the chips in store in case more sophisticated
methods of recovery become available in the future. For example, shellac
must vary and it might be possible to match the discsherds chemically, or at
least identify the manufacturer.

Don Cox

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