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[ARSCLIST] Mono CD ripping for Mac

In a message dated 7/18/04 9:01:10 PM, LISTSERV@xxxxxxx writes:

<< I personally don't know of a ripping program that does this at present.  >>


I do know of a high quality ripping program that I use regularly.

Gallery CD Studio

Its Mac only and currently costs $150.00 (US) but it's an excellent product
that has paid for itself many times over in my usage.  It will rip stereo,
split, mono (sum), left only or right only;  producing files up to 24 bit 48Khz;
in formats .wav;  aiff;  SDII;  or Quicktime.

A downloadable demo version is offered at their website.  I don't know if
they plan, or have a PC version.

Dave Radlauer

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