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Re: [ARSCLIST] ARSCLIST Digest - 24 Jun 2004 to 25 Jun 2004 (#2004-146)

At 01:40 PM 7/17/2004 -0400, Dave Radlauer wrote:
In a message dated 6/25/04 9:00:49 PM, LISTSERV@xxxxxxx writes:

<< Date:    Fri, 25 Jun 2004 12:49:15 +0100
From:    Margaret Brooks <MBrooks@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Mono CD transfer
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Can anybody recommend a CD 'ripping' program that will allow direct extract=
ion to a .WAV file of only the left OR right channel, without requiring sub=
sequent separation in an audio editing program?  The reason for wishing to =
do this is to save hard drive space by not having to store the redundant ch=
annels when transferring large numbers of mono CDs.

To the extent that it is desirable to rip to monaural - one channel or both - no special program is needed.

Most sound cards will rip both channels and sum them when directed by the
program to record monaural. Obviously, that gives you the sum directly. To
get the left or right alone, simply disconnect the other input.

Some cards record only the left channel when directed to record monaural.
To get the right channel, reverse the leads at your source. I do not
recommend bridging the two to record the sum; for that, I suggest recording
stereo and summing in software.

A capture program suitable for the job in Windows is CDWAV, linked from my
WWW site. It is very stingy on resources, handles large files easily and is
uncrippled shareware. Registration is optional and very inexpensive. Other
programs do more, but this is particularly fine for capture and for
splitting tracks.

Mike -- mrichter@xxxxxxx http://www.mrichter.com/

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