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Re: [ARSCLIST] Wire recorders - "professionals"

Based on what you said, you are in fact a professional, since

1.  work with wires daily, or at least with regularity
2.  use mechanically reliable equipment
3.  you charge money for your services
4.  you have satisfied customers

The amount of money anyone charges for a service is not what
solely makes them a "professional".  Strictly speaking, the
only difference between professionals and amateurs is that
one gets paid (they do it for income), and the other does
not.  "Professional" is by no means a measure of the quality
of work.

Those with large collections of anything would be wise to
test prospective services with a sample, and  use the results
and pricing to determine which service best meets their
needs.  Comparison shopping is always recommended,
particularly the larger the investment/expense.

There are certainly different levels of "professional"
services.  These levels can be defined by the range of
offerings (one format versus multiple formats; transfer,
restoration or mastering; sophistication of equipment; speed
of response; in-house expertise).  But not everyone needs the
ultimate best of everything, and basic professional services
like the one you offer may fit their needs.

Also, the pricing of various professional services can also
reflect overhead - employee wages, employee benefits, office
buildings, glossy marketing materials, capital equipment, and
so on.  An organization working out of an office is going to
cost more than one person working out of their home.

What you offer others is a valuable service, and no less
professional than the big services - just different.

Eric Jacobs
The Audio Archive

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