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[ARSCLIST] Memory cards and Marantz PMD670


We're looking to buy a Marantz PMD670--their flash recorder.  Just
wondering if anyone out there has had any experience on the comparative
merits of SanDisk's 1 gig CF Type 1 cards, the 1 gig CF Ultra II cards and
the 1 gig Extreme for audio. All of what I've found regardin their
differences is focused on their speed for digital photography.  I'm just
wondering how important speed (in this sense) is for audio recording.

The price difference between the Type 1 card and the Ultra II is around $50
or so.  The Extreme seems to run around $300.  If the Type I will stand up
to the semi-abuse of field recording and do what we need for audio, I'd
rather save the money.

Any help is much appreciated.


Andy Kolovos
Vermont Folklife Center
P.O. Box 442
Middlebury, VT 05753
(802) 388-4964

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