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Re: [ARSCLIST] about commercialism & the US gov't

At 11:52 AM 5/19/2004 -0400, Art Shifrin wrote:
I was recently handling some AFRS ETs and noticed an interesting exception
to the exclusion of sponsors' identifies on AFRS versions of radio shows.
In the case of starring personalities renamings were simple i.e. The Lucky
Strike Program starring Jack Benny became the Jack Benny Program. The Lux
Radio Theater became the Hollywood Radio Theater.  Yet, the NBC Symphony
conducted by Toscanini, et. al. retained the NBC part.  Why was NBC
permitted to get frequent 'plugs' in this manner?  It was no less a
commerical endeavor than any of the sponsors of its broadcasts.

Perhaps because it was the name of the orchestra, not merely of the program.

Mike -- mrichter@xxxxxxx http://www.mrichter.com/

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