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Re: [ARSCLIST] Request for Assistance on Yiddish Recordings

I would be glad to help you with that. You may have heard about the Dartmouth Jewish Sound Archive. I do a lot of transfers of this type. We are located in New Hampshire, I don't know if that would be a problem.

all the best

Alex Hartov, Ph.D.
Technical Director
Dartmouth Jewish Sound Archive

On Apr 20, 2004, at 9:37 AM, David Weintraub wrote:

Hello to all,


The Dora Teitelboim Center for Yiddish Culture has acquired some exciting archival tapes of original Miami Yiddish radio.  Although the Center has successfully digitized most of the tapes, one reel was recorded on a quarter track machine, for which we do not have the equipment to digitize.


We are asking for assistance for a straight transfer to CD of one hour of taped program material, originally recorded on a quarter track machine.


If you can help, please contact me at director@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or at (305) 774-9244.  Thank you in advance for your assistance.




David Weintraub

Executive Director

Dora Teitelboim Center for Yiddish Culture



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