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Re: [ARSCLIST] Superior disc cleaning technology

Richard Warren wrote:

> Perhaps you missed the last go-around on the ARSC listserve about cleaning
> records.
I've been on the listserv from the beginning, so I have seen all the
exchanges, and my mind still boggles at the misinformation passed about like
bubblegum at a high school picnic!

> Please understand that I have no bad feelings about the Keith Monks
> machine, examples of which I've seen at work since soon after the first
> ones were imported; it appears well made, effective, and very expensive
> (though I have to suggest that you've come very close to outright
> advertising, something that's supposedly a no-no on the ARSC list, in
> stating facts about it -- but at least you acknowledge being a dealer).
You apparently missed the fact that audio restoration is my business and I
bought a Monks machine as a user for my restoration suite a few years ago.

I was so impressed with its performance that I contacted Monks and asked him
for the agency for North America on the tail end of the debacle with the
guy in California.

THAT is how I became the sole supplier for the Archivist machine, coupled
with the fact that it was designed to meet my requirements with dual
chemistry and 16 inch record capacity.

> Probably I'm just a cheap old Yankee, but I keep thinking how much fluid
> and how many cleaning pads I could buy for the price of a machine, any machine.
Carry on McDuff... far be it from me to try and change a closed mind.

But, if you make it to the ARSC/SAM conference, at least see the demo that I
will be doing... it'll be good for a laugh if nothing else!

... Graham Newton

Audio Restoration by Graham Newton, http://www.audio-restoration.com
World class professional services applied to tape or phonograph records for
consumers and re-releases, featuring CEDAR's new CAMBRIDGE processes.

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