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Re: [ARSCLIST] The ELP Laser Turntable for 78 transfer?

From: Patent Tactics, George Brock-Nannestad

> I'm curious about the ELP Laser Turntable, wondering how well it works
> for transferring 78s

> (If there are other companies making a similar product, I'm curious
> about those as well.)

----- there are no others like it. It is patented, and the patents are in
force. But even if the patents were void, I doubt that anyone would be able
to afford building up the know-how required.

> I surmise that for some 78s, it probably works very well, and produces
> a transfer quality as good as can be obtained using a cartridge and
> correct-size stylus. But for other 78s it won't work so well. Is this
> a correct assessment?

----- the record material must be black and not transparent. So shellac 78s
works fine. Some records are so degraded that the reflection from the groove
is not sufficient. The result from both shellac and vinyl 78s is astounding
and crisper than anything you will get from a stylus. No wear. Adjustable
height in the groove. Variable speed, and repeatability of a groove for fine-
tuning the speed to e.g. a pitch meter reading. Repeatability also for fine-
tuning the equalisation. The output is electronically made to be like the
output from a cartridge. You only need a very good preamp to take advantage
of the clean signal. For instance a click is the briefest you will ever get.
You can even play a dirty record - something you would never do to your
stylus, I hope. You can even play a broken record without fixing the bits
with more than masking tape on the reverse.

> Is there anyone here who has actual experience using the ELP for 78
> transfers? If so, what are your experiences, and would you ever use it
> for your primary 78 transfer hardware?

----- I have done so and would again.

> Thanks.

You are very welcome.

Kind regards,


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