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Re: [ARSCLIST] Newsletter Deadline


Please add our announcement:

In September 2003, ARSC member Eugene Earle donated his personal collection to The Southern Folklife Collection at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Earle Collection consists of over 60,000 78rpm discs extensively documenting blues, country and western, jazz, old-time and Hawaiian music.  In the early 1960's, Earle and friend Ralph Rinzler were instrumental in discovering Arthel "Doc" Watson, a then unknown guitarist/singer from Western North Carolina. Earle recorded what became Doc's first records Old-Time Music at Clarence Ashley's Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 (Folkways). Eugene Earle also founded the John Edwards Memorial Foundation, a non-profit organization formed to preserve and promote American vernacular music in all its forms.



David Seubert wrote:
The deadline for submissions for the upcoming ARSC Newsletter is next
Monday, January 12th. This will be the last newsletter before the
conference in Cleveland in March.

If you have news, including upcoming events of interest to ARSC members;
news on recent projects, acquisitions, or grants received; requests for
research assistance from other ARSC members; reports from ARSC committees
and local chapters; other news that may be of interest to ARSC members,
please send it to me.

If you would like to advertise in the newsletter, please contact me or ad
manager Martin Fisher (nipper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) as soon as possible.

David Seubert

David Seubert, Curator
Performing Arts Collection
Davidson Library Special Collections
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA  93106
(805) 893-5444 Fax (805) 893-5749

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