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Re: [ARSCLIST] Bluegrass

>>> aleach@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 12/4/2003 3:40:25 PM >>>
Ken Griffin wrote an article on the Beverly Hill Billies in _JEMF
Quarterly_ (Vol. 8, No. 28 (Winter 1972): 173-78) called "The Charlie
Quirk Story and the Beginning of the Beverly Hill Billies."  He also
wrote the entry on the group in _The Encyclopedia of Country Music_ (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1998).
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Higgins [mailto:garyhiggins@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Is anyone familiar with a bluegrass band Beverly Hillbillies? They were
from the 1930s, and I'm not referring to Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs
from the TV show. The TV show was actually named after the band. I am
working on a historical project and am looking for any information or
even recordings of the band.

Hello all,
The Griffis article with discography revised by Cary Ginnell is
available online at:

David J. Diehl
Library Director
Texas State Technical College

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