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[ARSCLIST] Cylinder Mfgs

Hello. New to the list, and I was unable to search the archives of this
list (function was not functioning, I think it had a coming soon message).
So I hope you accept my apologies if this has already been covered...

I was wondering if anyone on the list had and could email me
a "comprehensive" list of cylinder mfgs both us and non-us. And if anyone
knows the name(s) of an expert in the catalogs of each manufacturers. I
have "edison" covered for help with those catalogs, but the others?

For example, maybe someone can point me to someone who has researched the
columbia catalog, or someone who has researched the lambert, or the US
indestructible, etc.

I am trying to do some research on the breadth of manufacturers and the
approximate size of their catalogs and to research quirks with their
catalogs (duplicate numbers in particular).

Any way, thanks very much for any info or way pointing!


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