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Re: [ARSCLIST] Digitizing programs with automatic stop feature?

PERSONALLY recommend you investigate

               Precision CD WAV

you can use this for a full 30 days before you
purchase the code for unlimited use.... Enjoy.

   Email to
                                  Attn: Rick

    I have personally used this program which DOES
have a timer.  The quality of the recording and
ease of use makes this one of the best for
recording and backing up  at the very least of cost
for the amateur and professional.....

--- Joel Bresler <joel.br@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Dear friends:
> I am digitizing a pack of tapes and LPs and would
> like to just set the
> (Windoze) computer to recording the analog audio and
> not worry that I'll
> forget to turn recording off and suck up the whole
> hard disk. Are there
> recording programs with either a timed shut-off (end
> recording after XX
> minutes) or a feature that will end recording after
> YY minutes of silence?
> I really don't care what else the package does if it
> handles this, I've
> other software to manipulate the files.
> Shareware/freeware/cheapware would
> be great.
> Thanks very much,
> Joel
> Joel Bresler
> 250 E. Emerson Rd.
> Lexington, MA 02420
> 781-862-4104 (Telephone & FAX)
> joel.br@xxxxxxxxxxx

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