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Re: [ARSCLIST] audio workstation help

Hello, David.
I don't think there is waway to do it internally, as you've discovered.
I'd use two computers with a digital line between them.
Since you're using a flat copy of the original material, one computer only
needs to play. You
can always copy your software, if you need to. You shouldn't need to if your
original files are
.wav files.
Malcolm R


David Seubert wrote:

> We've encountered a problem that I hope somebody can assist with.
> We'd like to be able to use external signal processing equipment on audio
> that we've digitized. When we make preservation copies of analog source
> material, we capture a flat transfer on our audio workstation. (PC with
> Sound Forge 6.0) If we want to use an external piece of equipment (e.g.
> Cedar, EQ, Packburn etc.) to modify the signal we are unable to do so.
> Unless I am missing something, Sound Forge cannot playback the original
> file and record a new file at the same time. Our sound card (DAL CardDelux)
> supports full duplex, our software apparently doesn't. I even tried playing
> back a wav file with Media Player, then looping it out to an external
> equalizer and then back into the computer and recording in Sound Forge, but
> this creates a feedback loop.
> How to you make this work? Is there other software available (PC or Mac)
> that will allow this? We can't be the only people needing to do this and
> I'd be interested in hearing how others do this.
> Thanks,
> David
> David Seubert, Curator
> Performing Arts Collection
> Davidson Library Special Collections
> University of California
> Santa Barbara, CA  93106
> (805) 893-5444 Fax (805) 893-5749
> mailto:seubert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> http://www.library.ucsb.edu/speccoll/pa/

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