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Re: [ARSCLIST] Benny Rubin Brunswicks

Here's what I got from the Brunswick Discography, vol.3, by Ross Laird.

Benny Rubin - comic monologue           LA, Sep. 27, 1929 (1:00-2:10

LTR 223-A  Feetball
LAE 651-A  Feetball                                      Bruns. 4606
LTR 224-A  Why is Thanksgiving?
LAE 652-A  Why is Thanksgiving?                Bruns. 4606
LTR 225-A  Health Talk
LAE 856-A  Health Talk                                 Bruns. 4888

Note: The recording sheets are headed "Brunswick Test"

Benny Rubin - comic monologue w/ incidental music
                                                             LA, Jan.
3, 1930 (4:30-6:30 PM)

LAE 683 -A-B-C  Christopher Columbus         Bruns. 4888
LAE 684 -A-B-C  Bringing up Babies

Note: on the recording sheet master LAE-684 is marked Reject.

Benny Rubin, comedian w/orchestra (-1) or comic monologue with musical
effects (-2).                                          LA, Apr. 21,

LAE 766 -A-B  The Laugh Song (-1)              Bruns. 4798
LAE 767 -A-B  Uncle Tom's Cabin (-2)           Bruns. 4798

   The LOC has copies of 4606 and 4888, though the latter is in poor
  Hope this answers your question.


>>> goldens2@xxxxxxxxxxx 08/30/03 11:12PM >>>

Might any of you be able to provide me with the master #s & dates for
the 4
sides contained on 4606 & 4888?

For 4606, the titles are "Feetball" and "Why Is Thanksgiving"

For 4888, the titles are "Christopher Columbus" and "Health Talk"


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