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[ARSCLIST] Pitching and Equalization of 78s

[Cross-posted from 78-L to the ARSC mailing list for their learned

Some of the discussion in this thread (on Pitching 78s) talks about
pitching during the digital transfer of source material such as 78rpm
records. My present view (subject to being changed with a persuasive
argument) is that pitching should not be a worry during the transfer
itself (just get it close.) Once digitized, during the restoration
process the recording can be pitched digitally using sound processing
software (effectively by resampling).

Some may argue that digitally pitching a digital audio file will
introduce errors (from what is effectively resampling) that we need to
worry about and thus pitching should be done during transfer, but am I
right that the "bit-error" introduced in doing this "resampling" is so
minimal as to not even worry about?

(Also, in reality, is 44.1K or 48K sampling more than adequate for
all 78 digital restoration? Or should one double sample, e.g. at 96K,
for digital restoration purposes, and only at the end of restoration
to resample downward to 44.1K for "Red Book"?)

On a related topic is equalization. Here, when I talked with George
Morrow earlier this year (he passed away in late May), he commented
that it is much better to set the proper analog equalization during
transfer than to do it digitally (but he was of the opposite opinion
with regards to speed/pitch, as I note above.) I'd like comment from
the experts here on 78-L and ARSC on this topic.


Jon Noring

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